

The aims of the Dyfed Golfing Union hereafter referred to as “the union“ and formerly know as the Three Counties Union, are as follows:-

  1. To foster and encourage golf within the County.
  2. To improve standards of play at all levels.
  3. To organise and hold matches and competitions for members.
  4. To promote and encourage social contact between Members and others.


Membership of the Union is open to all properly constituted golf clubs situated within the County. Other categories of membership may be formed with the approval of Members at an Annual General Meeting.

Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary, who will submit details to the Management Committee of the Union

Upon being accepted for membership all applicants agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Union. Membership will be effective by payment in advance of Annual Subscription or other levy imposed by the Management Committee.


Annual Subscriptions will be decided by Members at the Annual General Meeting.

A request for payment of subscriptions will be sent to Member Clubs in January of each year. Should payment not be received by the Treasurer by the 31st of March of the same year then membership of the union will be deemed to have lapsed.


The Officers shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Union and shall meet as and when necessary but generally at least 4 times in a year. They shall take such decisions as they deem necessary to effect this, within any policies and guidelines set in Annual General Meetings or meetings of the Management Committee

The Secretary shall give Officers 14 days notice of any meeting to be called. A minimum of 5 Officers shall be required to constitute a quorum.

The Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting shall comprise the following:

[a] The President

The President shall serve for a minimum period of 2 years. The President shall be the principal representative of the Union and in particular shall normally attend the County Championship, the Annual Dinner, any matches he is able to and the Junior Championship

Once the President has been elected, this is assumed to be for 2 years and his second year shall not require ratification. If the President is to serve for any subsequent year, this shall require ratification by the Members at the agm.

[b] The Vice President

The Vice President shall be nominated by Members on a rota basis and will be elected on the assumption that he is prepared to accept the office of President when vacant. The rota shall be alphabetical order of Member Club name in descending order (ie a follows b). The Secretary shall contact the Member Club within 7 days of the position becoming vacant in the case of a casual vacancy or, in the case of normal rotation, no less than 90 days prior to the agm where the Vice President is to be elected. The Member Club shall have 21 days to advise the name of the candidate they wish to propose and, if they do not do so, or advise they have no candidate to put forward, the Secretary shall then contact the next Member Club, who shall have the same time available. The nominating Club shall provide a brief resume of their candidate, which shall be presented to the Meeting to elect that person.

Both the second year in office of the Vice president if applicable and the election of the Vice President to President shall be ratified by the Members in the agm.

When the Vice President is elected President, Members will elect a new Vice President to fill the vacancy.

[c] The Chairman

The Chairman shall serve for a minimum period of 2 years. During his term of Office he will exercise general supervision over all the affairs of the Union and will co-operate closely with other Officers to ensure the efficiency of the administration and the success of all events, competitions and matches organised by the Union. The Chairman will take the Chair at all meetings of the Union and at the Annual General Meeting deliver his Report on the proceedings of the previous year. 

Similar to the President, his second year in office shall not require ratification, but any subsequent year proposed by the Committee for him to serve shall.

[d] The Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman will normally succeed to the chairmanship of the Union. As a general practice the office of Vice Chairman will rotate around member clubs. The rota shall be alphabetical order of Member Club name in descending order and the same procedure shall follow as for the Vice President.

[e] The Secretary

The Secretary will be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.

He will be responsible to the Management Committee for the general administration of the affairs of the Union as follows:

[i] all Correspondence

[ii] the arrangement of meetings of the Management Committee and Minutes of the same

[f] The Treasurer

The Treasurer will be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.

He will be responsible to the Management Committee for the financial administration of the affairs of the Union as follows:

[i] to be responsible for the funds of the Union

[ii] prepare an Annual Statement of Income and Expenditure and a balance sheet for presentation at the Annual General Meeting

[g] The Competition/Fixture Secretary

The Competition/Fixture Secretary will be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.

He will be responsible for the arrangement of competitions, fixtures and team matches

[h] The County Captain

The County Captain shall be elected or re-elected annually. Nominations shall be received by the Committee no less than 14 days prior to the agm, accompanied by confirmation from the candidate that they are willing to serve if elected. Nominations may also be made by the Committee. Nominations shall require a second in the meeting and shall be subject to election.

The Captain shall:

Select a team for matches to be played with the general expectation of fielding the strongest possible team, and inform those players selected

Liaise with Member Clubs with regard to players they have who might be eligible for selection

Arrange fixtures to be played against other counties in conjunction with the Fixture Secretary

Attend meetings of Officers and Management Committee wherever possible and report on matches and team matters

Attend the County Championship whether playing or not

[i] The Seniors’ Captain

The Seniors’ Captain shall be elected or re-elected annually in the same way as the Men’s Captain and shall have the same responsibilities with regard to the Seniors’ section of the Union.

[j] The Junior Organiser

The Junior Organiser will be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting

He shall be responsible for team selection, match arrangements and the general conduct of players representing the Union

[k] The Press Secretary

The Press Secretary will be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting

He shall be responsible for all matters of publicity concerning the Union, keeping the Members informed and arranging publicity for Union events and news. He shall utilise the website, email and social media in particular to effect this.


The Management Committee will consist of the Officers of the Union and one representative of each member club.

The Management Committee shall exercise complete control over the Officers, business and affairs of the Union.

Its decision will be binding on the Union during the year, but these decisions may be amended, or reversed at the Annual General Meeting by a simple majority of those present, providing notice has been given in accordance with the Rules governing the conduct of the Annual General Meeting.

The Management Committee shall have the right to appoint such sub-committees that it might consider necessary with such powers at it might deem necessary.

Meetings of the Management Committee shall be called when important matters of policy require decision that is outside the remit of the officers and where input from a majority of clubs is required, together with whenever the Officers feel it is appropriate or desirable to update the broader membership. Generally it is anticipated that there shall be 2 or more such meetings, one of which shall be in the first week of April, specifically to review the position on subscriptions and the coming season, and a second part way through the playing season

In addition the Officers shall be reuired to convene a meeting or extraordinary meeting within 14 days upon request from 4 Member Clubs

The Secretary shall give Member Clubs 14 days notice of any meeting to be called. A minimum of 5 representatives from Member Clubs and 5 Officers shall be required to constitute a quorum.

All members of the Management Committee will have one vote. All voting shall be decided by a simple majority and will take place by a show of hands.

In the event of the votes being equal, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


The Secretary will call an Annual General Meeting of the Union once a year, in the month of November.

The Secretary will notify all clubs which are members of the Union at least two weeks in advance of the place, date and time of the Annual General Meeting. At the same he will send to all clubs the Agenda of the meeting specifying any special resolutions or business which are to be discussed.

No business may be discussed unless a quorum is present, and such quorum shall consist of 15 members who are present.

If a quorum is not present the Chairman shall adjourn the meeting until a date and time agreed by the Management Committee, but this must be within one calendar month of the adjourned meeting. At the reconvened meeting 10 members present will constitute a quorum.

All member clubs will be invited to send TWO delegates to the AGM both of whom shall be named and have a vote.

If a club has a nominated representative on the Management Committee then this representative will automatically serve as one of the two delegates appointed by the club.

Any resolution which involves an alteration to the Constitution of the Union or any of its established practices will require a Notice of Motion which must be submitted in writing to the Secretary before the 1st November. The motion will then be considered at the Annual General Meeting of that year.

At the Annual General Meeting the following business shall be transacted:

  1. To receive the President’s Address
  2. To receive the Chairman’s Report
  3. To receive the Treasurer’s Report and the Income and Expenditure Account
  4. To elect the Officers of the Union
  5. To elect an Auditor
  6. To consider any business of which due notice shall have been given.

Only business specified on the Agenda will be discussed at the Annual General Meeting.

In the event of there being more than one nomination for Officers to be elected, then there will be a ballot of those members present.

On other business voting will be made on a show of hands, and the Chairman will exercise a second or casting vote if necessary.


Besides serving on the Management Committee the representative nominated annually by the member clubs will be expected to act as a close link between the clubs and the Union Secretary

Moreover, these representatives must be prepared to provide any assistance which may be needed at any Union event held at their own clubs.